Saint Teresa of Calcultta - Saint Coleman Catholic Church in Pompano Beach,  Florida

St. Teresa of Calcutta, also known as Mother Teresa, was a very kind and loving woman who helped many people. 

  1. Early Life: She was born in 1910 in a place called Macedonia. Her real name was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. When she was 18 years old, she decided to become a nun, which is a woman who dedicates her life to serving God.
  2. Missionaries of Charity: Mother Teresa went to India, where she saw many poor and sick people who needed help. She felt a strong desire to help them, so she started a group called the Missionaries of Charity. She and the other nuns in her group took care of people who had no one else to help them, like the sick, the homeless, and the hungry.
  3. Nobel Peace Prize: Mother Teresa worked very hard and always showed great love and kindness to everyone she met. She believed that every person, no matter how poor or sick, deserved to be treated with dignity and love. Because of her amazing work, she became famous all around the world and won many awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize.
  4. Feast Day: Even though she became famous, she always remained humble and focused on helping others. She passed away in 1997, and in 2016, she was declared a saint by the Catholic Church. Her feast day is celebrated on September 5.

St. Teresa of Calcutta teaches us the importance of loving and helping others, especially those who are most in need. 
