St. Anne is a very special person in the history of Christianity. She is best known as the mother of Mary, who is the mother of Jesus. This means St. Anne is Jesus’ grandmother! 

  1. History: St. Anne lived a long time ago, around the 1st century BC. Although the Bible does not mention her, her story comes from ancient Christian writings and traditions.
  2. Parentage of Mary: St. Anne and her husband, St. Joachim, were the parents of Mary, the mother of Jesus. According to tradition, they were a devout couple who longed for a child. They prayed and promised to dedicate their child to God’s service.
  3. Divine Message: One day, an angel visited St. Anne and St. Joachim, telling them they would have a special child. They were overjoyed when Mary was born and raised her with love and faith.
  4. Legacy: St. Anne is honored as a model of devotion and faith. She is remembered for her role in bringing up Mary, who would become the mother of Jesus.
  5. Feast Day: St. Anne’s feast day is celebrated on July 26th. This is a day to remember and honor her contributions to the Christian faith. 

St. Anne is cherished in Christian tradition as the loving mother of Mary and the grandmother of Jesus, and she is a symbol of faith and devotion.


Come back for answers next week!