Louis IX, Saint | Catholic Answers Encyclopedia

St. Louis of France, also known as King Louis IX, was a very special king who lived a long time ago. 

  1. Young King: He was born in 1214 and became the king of France when he was just 12 years old. Even though he was very young, he tried to be a good and fair king who helped his people.
  2. Leader: Louis was very kind and loved God a lot. He went to church every day, prayed often, and helped the poor and sick. He built many churches and hospitals, and he made sure his people were treated fairly. Louis also cared about justice and tried to be a good example of a Christian leader.
  3. Crusades: He went on two important trips, called Crusades, to help protect Christians in other lands. Even though these trips were very hard and dangerous, he always tried to do what he thought was right.
  4. Feast Day: He shows us how to live a life of love and service to God and people. His feast day is celebrated on August 25.

St. Louis is remembered for his faith, kindness, and dedication to helping others. 


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