Apostle Bartholomew of the Twelve - Orthodox Church in America

St. Bartholomew the Apostle was one of Jesus’ twelve closest friends, called the Apostles. He is also known by the name Nathanael in some parts of the Bible. 

  1. Birthplace: Bartholomew was born in Cana in Galilee, which is in modern-day Israel.
  2. Becoming a Follower: When Jesus met Bartholomew, he told him things about his life that no one else could know, which amazed Bartholomew. Because of this, Bartholomew knew that Jesus was truly the Son of God, and he decided to follow Him.
  3. Preaching the Word: After Jesus went to heaven, Bartholomew traveled to different countries to tell people about Jesus and His teachings. He was a brave and faithful preacher, and many people became followers of Jesus because of him.
  4. Feast Day: St. Bartholomew is remembered for his strong faith and his dedication to spreading the message of Jesus. His feast day is celebrated on August 24.Β 

He teaches us to believe in Jesus and to share His love with others.
