Who Was Mary Magdalene? | Smithsonian

Saint Mary Magdalene was a close follower of Jesus. She is often called one of Jesus’ disciples because she followed Him and listened to His teachings.

  1. Important Events: Mary Magdalene is mentioned many times in the Bible. She was there when Jesus was crucified and was very sad when He died.
  2. First Witness: The most important part of her story is that she was the first person to see Jesus after He rose from the dead. Early in the morning, she went to Jesus’ tomb and found it empty. Jesus appeared to her and told her to share the good news with the other disciples.
  3. Message of Love and Faith: Mary Magdalene’s story shows her great love and faith in Jesus. She was very brave and devoted, staying with Him even during the hardest times.
  4. Feast Day: We celebrate Saint Mary Magdalene’s feast day on July 22nd. It’s a special day to remember her and her important role in Jesus’ story.

Saint Mary Magdalene is remembered for her deep faith, her close relationship with Jesus, and her role as the first to witness His resurrection.


Come back for answers next week!